welcome to the new blog.

A place to slow down, breathe, and process.
By Zach Dawson.

What is this place?

Simply put, this is my blog. It’s a place for me to process life’s lessons and experiences, a landing spot for my monologues about things I find neat and interesting, and an avenue for sharing it with you all 🙂

I’ve discovered that I grow the healthiest when I slow down and give myself space to think. So this is my attempt to do just that, and an invitation for you to join me.

the latest from the new blog.

  • The “Other” Road

    The “Other” Road

    My previous two blog posts (“Wake Up and Look Around… Literally” and “Are We There Yet? No, Thankfully”) both felt like the beginnings of larger essays, or books…

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    10 min read

  • Blog Post 3: Are We There Yet? No… Thankfully.

    Blog Post 3: Are We There Yet? No… Thankfully.

    In my previous post, I mentioned an author named James Clear who wrote “Atomic Habits.” Well, not to sound like a broken record, but to quote him again:…

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    10 min read

  • Blog Post 2: Wake Up and Look Around… Literally

    Blog Post 2: Wake Up and Look Around… Literally

    What a way to start my first true blog post: by admitting my major struggle with something seemingly so simple and easy… waking up. It’s something we joke…

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    10 min read

  • Blog Post 1: Pilot

    Blog Post 1: Pilot

    A blog. What even is a blog? An online diary for dumping my not-so-private dramatic thoughts, like Zoey101 (shoutout to 90’s kids)? A place to impart my self-proclaimed…

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    10 min read